Nove tehnologije
Izraelska solarna elektrana ?e proizvoditi elektri?nu energiju konstantno |
Autor Leo Jerki? |
Utorak, 17 VeljaÄŤa 2015 10:58 |
Izraelska alternativna energetska tvrtka Brenmiller Energy je riješila jedan od najve?ih problema sa solarnom tehnologijom - kako proizvoditi elektri?nu energiju kada padne mrak. Tvrtka iz Tel-Aviva je u ponedjeljak objavila da ?e izgraditi 10 MW solarnu elektranu u pustinji Negev kod grada Dimona, a ista ?e proizvoditi elektri?nu energiju 20 sati dnevno kroz tehnologiju za spremanje energije koju je tvrtka razvijala zadnje tri godine. Biomasa ?e pak služiti za proizvodnju elektri?ne energije tokom ?etiri sata kada solarni sustav ne proizvodi elektri?nu energiju. CEO Brenmiller Energya Avi Brenimiller je izjavio da je najbolje rješenje za Izrael integracija solarnog sustava sa spremanjem energije uz pomo? biomase. Biomasa sama ne može pokriti potrebe za elektri?nom energijom, ali u ovoj kombinaciji predstavlja najjeftiniju i naj?iš?u alternativu. Projekt je vrijedan 77,27 milijuna dolara, a rasprostirat ?e se na oko 45 hektara, te bi trebao biti gotov do po?etka 2017. godine. Projekt bi trebao otvoriti 50 radnih mjesta u tom podru?ju. Solarna elektrana ?e proizvoditi obnovljivu energiju otprilike 20 sati dnevno tokom toplog ljetnog dana, te otprilike skoro 24 sata kada sunca ima 9 do 10 sati. Tokom zime ?e morati raditi i elektrana na biomasu za pokrivanje proizvodnje u trenucima kada nema dovoljno Sunca. Brenmillerov bCELL sustav sprema energiju uz pomo? paraboli?nih zrcala koji prate gibanje Sunca i skupljaju solarnu toplinsku energiju. Toplina iz solarne elektrana se prebacuje u podzemni energetski centar gdje se elektri?na energija sprema na temperaturi od 550 stupnjeva celzijusa. Toplina se osloba?a kao para za pokretanje turbine i proizvodnju elektri?ne energije. Izvor: |
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Real Magic Spells for all purpose:
Now you can benefit through the use of spells like Love Spells, Money Spells, Talismans, Charms, Prayers, Curses and Chants. MAGIC SPELLS can be spell cast for many purposes.
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Easy Love Spell.
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Binding Love Spell.
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Lost Love Spell.
Soul Mate Spell.
Marriage Spell for a happy Married Life.
Retrieve a Lost Love Spell
Bring Back Your Love Spell.
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Call / Watsapp : Dr Mama Micealah;+27738332893 ,
rHow To Get Back Ex-Boyfriend or Ex-Girlfriend.
Real Magic Spells for all purpose:
Now you can benefit through the use of spells like Love Spells, Money Spells, Talismans, Charms, Prayers, Curses and Chants. MAGIC SPELLS can be spell cast for many purposes.
Talismans and Charms work as powerful Ingredients. If you need any spiritual knowledge on the power of Spells and Magic you can always
Powerful Magic Ring
Love Spells.
Casting of Simple and Effective Love Spell.
Easy Love Spell.
Spells for Attraction between two Lovers.
Binding Love Spell.
Get back Lost Lover Spell.
Spells to Strengthen Love Relation.
Lost Love Spell.
Soul Mate Spell.
Marriage Spell for a happy Married Life.
Retrieve a Lost Love Spell
Bring Back Your Love Spell.
Gay Love Spells, Lesbian Love Spells.
Anti-Love Spells, Divorce Spells, Break up Spells.
How to Get Back Ex-Boyfriend, or Ex-Girlfriend.
Casting Spells to Get Rid of Your Husband, Wife or Partner without Fights or them hating you.
Magic Rings, Powerful Love Rings
Spells to Stop a Divorce.
Call / Watsapp : Dr Mama Micealah;+27738332893 ,
Call/ What App ; +27738332893, Dr mama Micaelah for consultation
African powerful Spiritual Traditional healer ,to help you fix any problems you might be facing in life,Specialist and experienced proved healer to help fix problems,
Lost Love spells to bring back a lost ex lover. Stop cheating, divorce or breakups. Lost love spells to make someone fall in love with you & increase love between two people
Love spells traditional healer will fix all your love problems using his powerful love spells.
Fix a marriage or get a ex lover back with love spells
Powerful lost love spells that will make your ex lover to dream about you & feel a deep connection with you again
Love spells will instill positive energies in your relationship and amplify all your positive energies and help you resolve all your problems.
get genuine spell casting & traditional healing of powerful spells by Dr Mama Micaelah a powerful sangoma & traditional healer .For more information call +27738332893 or
Dr Mama Micealah Specializes In Love Spell Casting I Have Mastered The Art Of Creating Love Remedies To Help Reunite Lovers & Guide People To Find Their True Love & Soulmate Connections. My Spell Casting Services Also Come In Packages To Build A Better Connection Between You & Your Loved One
LOVE CHARMS *Binding Your Lover To Love You Only
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Bosses At Work? WOMEN CHARMS Charm For Men Admire
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Call / Watsapp : +27738332893,
Website: https://mamaleadingspiritualspells.blogspotcom