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Costa Rica je dva i pol mjeseca proizvodila svu elektri?nu energiju iz OIE E-mail
Autor Leo Jerki?   
Petak, 09 Rujan 2016 14:42

Do prije nekoliko godina bilo je nezamislivo da jedna zemlja 100% potreba za elektri?nom energijom pokrije iz obnovljivih izvora energije tokom perioda dužeg od 2 mjeseca.

Costa Rica je taj rezultat po drugi put u dvije godine srušila, i to ove godine u periodu od 76 dana izme?u lipnja i kolovoza ove godine. Dodatno, na Costa Rici ?e u idu?ih godinu dana u pogon u?i ve?i broj vjetroelektrana, zbog ?ega bi vjetroelektrane trebale pokriti više od 10% potreba za elektri?nom energijom do kraja idu?e godine.

Za više informacija o tome kako je Costa Rica ostvarila 76 dana sa 100% OIE, pogledajte ovaj filmi?.


Tags:     kosta rika      elektri?na energija      obnovljivi izvori energije      vjetroelektrane
Komentari (2)
Spells to Win a Court Case +27605538865 Win Your Court Case With the Help of These Rituals
2ÄŚetvrtak, 06 VeljaÄŤa 2025 11:28
Mama Naledi
Spells to Win a Court Case +27605538865 Win Your Court Case With the Help of These Rituals
How Do Court Case Spells Work? Court case spells to win any legal matter & stay out of jail. Legal spells to influence court verdict in your favor. Spells to get a court case dismissed or freeze a court. Get justice, fix your legal matters, get child custody & make the judge rule in your favor using voodoo court case spells & witchcraft court case spells.

Stop a court case against you & make all your legal problems disappear using court case freezer spells. Prevent witnesses from testifying against you or make them give testimonies that do not implicate you using court case freezer spells. Win any court case with powerful court victory spells.

Make the charges against you be dropped & win any legal case using powerful court case spells to have charges against you be dropped. My court case spells will help you have criminal & civil court cases against you be dropped. Spiritually influence the outcome of legal matters in your favor using court spells to have your charges dropped.

Win any legal matter using legal spells that will align the ancestral spirits & universal forces on your side & change your destiny. Legal spells to freeze a court case, legal spells to have charges dropped against you, legal spells to help you get out of jail & legal spells to have a court case dismissed.

Court case spells to help you get out of jail. Court case spells to cause your court case to be dismissed & get you out of jail. Doesn't matter how many years someone has been in jail my powerful court spells will help you legally get out of jail. Shield yourself from arrest & jail using court spells.

Justice spells to make someone who has harmed you & gotten away with it to suffer pain & experience disaster. Voodoo justice spells & Wiccan justice spells.
1Nedjelja, 02 Lipanj 2024 09:20
Dobre vijesti za mene i vas, zovem se TEREZA i moram vam ispričati kako sam doživjela ponudu kredita od 35,000 eura. Ponovno sam sretan i financijski stabilan i hvala Bogu što sam naišao na gospodina Harry Bryan, izvršnog direktora SMART LOAN FUNDS, imaju sjedište u Americi, a također djeluju u svim europskim zemljama. Dobio sam savjet kolege i savjetovat ću svima koji trebaju zajam da koriste njihove usluge kako bi izašli iz financijskih poteškoća, možete ih kontaktirati putem e-pošte (} WHATSAPP: {+385915134516} Brzo kontaktirajte danas i dobijte svoj zajam od njih na stopu od 3 %. Obećajte da ćete reći ljudima i podijeliti njegov dobar rad nakon što dobijete zajam.

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